
Showing posts from August, 2020

One Powerful Reason To Change

  One Powerful Reason To Change! If you have been TRYING to make changes in your life and they haven’t eventuated, there's only one reason you haven’t...there has been NO DECISION to make it happen. Maybe you have an unresponsive partner (Convenient Blamer) who is holding you back or not following you...guess what it is not about them. Maybe you have received some bad news (Like Listening to Night News) or those friends who see the bad in have the option to stop and remove them. Maybe you are blaming your MAKER...pointing the finger at them not answering your prayers and assisting with your goals…( that’s not their job ...the universe is the gift we all receive) Maybe you are tired of the stories you are living everyday and the abundance of reasons why something can’t happen…(we can make a story out of anything, nothing sells like bad news) Maybe the shirt /shirt that is showing off your new power look isn’t lying about the exercise you aren’t doing and is showing

Make What You Desire An Interesting Game- Ask The Universe!

  Make what you desire an interesting game,  Ask The Universe? It is 4.30 am and it’s Friday… The crickets and birds are chirping in the trees The Ocean is thumping on the sand. And I am giving myself another 3 day fast track goal. Why?  Most people slow down on the weekend and have time to search and look and read While my week has been pretty good, making an extra $5000 USD on Monday Morning really starts the week on a high I want to make the weekends more productive and organised, so why not a plan of urgency and effectiveness I didn’t get the result I wanted this week, so I am going to reinvent myself this weekend. The best way I know how to do that is turn what you most desire into an interesting game.  Ask The Universe! It starts with picking everything you want to find in a person you want to work alongside A highly motivated new business owner ready to create abundance for themselves, Who knows their value and wants to work effectively for their desires… They have a dream that

I Mastered Poverty Thinking-Now I am Mastering Abundance Thinking

This subject is sure to rattle a few cages (and it is meant too)  My version of poverty isn’t what you see on TV with starving groups of people and Unicef raising money for their cause... OH NO… My poverty was my mind set and my approach to life. . Now if I was the same person from 10 years ago writing this blog I would never have thought there was much wrong with me. I worked hard, made money, got the job done, but was continually in a state of anger, negativity and blame. (I can remember yelling at myself one day in utter frustration telling myself to shut up and for a brief moment it worked) After long stints away working, I would come home and hide in my house and see no one and wollow in self pity and anger..(not a very approachable sort of bloke) By accident I turned on the TV (and it worked) and Tony Robbins was talking about The Mental Disease of Negativity and how if you let it it will control your life.. He went on to say most people don’t even know why they live in anger

Confront Commit Conquer

Fear of other opinions, embarrassment, being found out Failure is not final- it is a position of measurement and competence Belief  in yourself, your ability and your commitment Comfort short term rewards, that don’t tap into your potential Boredom  success is repetitive master the mundane The five enemies of success :”Darren Hardy” Which ones do you need to work on this week, why not all of them in the first week of August… Today fears come in many forms.  But if I look truly into my heart embarrassment, ability and opinions can and have ruled my life. Questions starting with  What if I don’t have the ability to build this business.. . What will they say when they see what I am doing.. How will they react when they hear what I am doing.. How will I be judged when they know my new path.. How can I hide my dreams but still continue to live my life… How will I feel if I am confronted and asked to explain my new direction What makes you think you could ever achieve goals bigger than you h