I Mastered Poverty Thinking-Now I am Mastering Abundance Thinking

This subject is sure to rattle a few cages (and it is meant too)  My version of poverty isn’t what you see on TV with starving groups of people and Unicef raising money for their cause...OH NO…

My poverty was my mind set and my approach to life..

Now if I was the same person from 10 years ago writing this blog I would never have thought there was much wrong with me. I worked hard, made money, got the job done, but was continually in a state of anger, negativity and blame.

(I can remember yelling at myself one day in utter frustration telling myself to shut up and for a brief moment it worked)

After long stints away working, I would come home and hide in my house and see no one and wollow in self pity and anger..(not a very approachable sort of bloke)

By accident I turned on the TV (and it worked) and Tony Robbins was talking about The Mental Disease of Negativity and how if you let it it will control your life..

He went on to say most people don’t even know why they live in anger and that they choose that life to live...well being ignorant you know what  happened…

I had a full on ranting argument with a TV screen, every negative and demeaning  comment I could think of I threw at him until the picture faded away and I was left red faced and fired up like a raging bull.  (that was my life on my own)

When I joined a group I would never smile and if I joined in, it was to sell my troubles, losses and complaints. (People saw me coming and they moved away unless they wanted a job done or it was something about work)

So I stopped joining life...That bloody Tony Robbins comment of Choosing my Life was infuriating me.. So in complete frustration I bought a box of Personal Power before I left for another work stint...for 30 days..

In that one action of buying something to help me become better , that 30 days of work was different...I chose to start living my life...It was noticeable because I went into Quilpie to grabs some supplies and the Lady behind the counter who packed all the tucker (for many years said) You have a nice smile so smile more Pete…

Poverty is a choice (again a touch subject) but what we receive we choose and we accept it. 

I chose my life of loneliness, and anger because I was emotionally unintelligent, a loner and a survivor.

I spent my school yards days always with a different mindset about life.  I was a Peter Pan Dreamer and to prove you wrong it it kills me sort of bloke.

I took a long time to learn new things, but when I learnt them I became obsessed…

I was never one to learn in a group, because I didn’t like failing or being shown up…

I spent most of my life in protection mode of my abilities and lack of them…

If I didn’t know it I wouldn’t do it..

I lost faith in my parents and my brothers and sisters and after I missed qualifying for the Airforce as a pilot, and missed the cricket draft because I had no money to attend, I formed the opinion of Life being hard unfair and against me.

I lost faith in my teachers who didn’t notice I withdrew from class and realised at an early age that my life was up to me..(but back then cricket and flying were my only dreams)  both were removed before I got to start them.

Unfortunately I didn’t find a mentor until that day on the TV ...at 38 years old.

As I write this page I realise how much of life I have missed out on...The people I could be meeting the experiences I could have had..all because of my poverty belief…

I mastered the game of poverty thinking...in the next 50 years I am mastering the game of Abundance…

For the last 11 years I have been learning the game of Abundance.. "who would have thought a grumpy bushman would have found a companion in Personal Development.".

It started with Tony Robbins and then Dr John Demartini and then I discovered Jim Rohn and now I work alongside Shane Krider…

Four mentors that are teaching me how to create abundance in my life…

“If you believe the stories you tell yourself you will live them”


During the 2019 Floods in North Queensland when the monsoon dropped 20 inches of rain and perished 1000's of cattle…

Our lesson wasn’t so much about the loss of stock but the bad fencing strategy the property  had on it…

I still remember looking over where the water flowed and the bad design of the fence, wanting to join in the blame game...and I thought I saw Jim Rohn sitting on a log and I wrote this blog…

I still remember the words...On this planet you will loss


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