Townsville The Latte Lifestyle Home Business Capital

 There are many things to like about Townsville, the weather, the easy living lifestyle, the Strand Latte Lifestyle and now Home Business..

For 11 years Peter Wheaton has called Townsville Home, after deciding to have a sea change for South West Queensland.

While he spent the first few years learning about marketing an online business and how powerful events like the Global Financial Crisis can flatten your dreams it is from this event he decide to take control of his Townsville Home Business.

"We followed the traditional business rules and still got burnt"

Townsville economy hurt for many years after the GFC. People's confidence in "the system" was not there anymore and many people buried their heads in their losses and anger, but for Peter and his Townsville Home Business, he quietly got busy building his business and learning how to reprogram his thinking...

If you look at any business, the value comes from the vibration and energy within the owner. If it is low, then so will be your result.

If a business owners can only focus on the lack of abundance being create, they will only see what they haven't received.

If a person works solely on their own thoughts, and keeps their mind, heart and hand open to the universe life changes on a dime.

11 years ago Peter Wheaton lost everything after a life time of rural contracting / shearing and bad business decisions all because of his attitude, energy and outdate information.

"it is a sobering day when you finally take responsibility for your actions and thoughts"

It was in that moment his Townsville Home Business was created. Confidence is key to changing your life and helping other people do the same.

To be able to offer a range of programs and events and be paid handsomely from each sale is amazing. When people start to unlock the mystery of their minds they start to free themselves.

" people buy solutions to find their confidence and happiness"

Townsville Home Business works within the Booming Personal Development / Success Education Home Based Industry. Worth a staggering 11 Billion Dollars per year.

The internet has been the source of many solutions, but nothing compares to working along side people, who have transformed their life.

There is a whole new energy, confidence and focus and they never join any pity party..."you need to lift your game to be around them"

Probably the most amazing aspect of the Townsville Home Business is Townsville itself. Every morning I wake to the waves splashing on the beach, the pound of feet from the runners and a chorus of birds welcoming in the morning...

From my daily walk down to the Water Mark for a coffee or breakfast, to the good morning echo's around Jezzine Barracks on my morning run and then the magical view from Kissing Point under the US and Aussie flags peering across to Magnetic Island...what a way to start a day...

11 years ago the sound of a Toyota diesel rattle and bleating sheep were Peter's Reality...The clatter of hands pieces, barking of dogs and a red dirt sunrise and a day of solid physically hard work lay ahead.

"if I would have had this Personal Development Training back then I would have seen the beauty in life...I still miss the emotional magic of the outback, "not so much the shearing"

At this moment Covid 19 has disrupted the world. Governments are doing what they think is right to control the spread. I have never seen in my life time of 52 years any border closed or restrictions of movement. "The plan is evolving daily and those who adapt win"

It gave me a wake up call to all the years I spent working in the West...

You may have to wait a week of two for the mail truck (when it rained).

The back up generators could run for a month waiting for the power to be restored.

Parts and supplies always took a while to arrive from the city.

Every drive was 1-2 hours into town or 8 to get the professional services.

We lived on 90 day cycles of payment, orders and holiday breaks...we always had back up supplies for 90 days

During the pandemic my Townsville Home Business slowed down for about 21 days, as the world got an understanding of what covid 19 actually meant.

"I can remember being ultimately grateful for owning this type of business"

Strangely enough we started ordering our food order online, each week it reminds me of the day you sent a FAX to the "Meads in Quilpie or Eddy Mills in Cunnamulla "and they packed it up ready for pick up or sent it on the weekly mail truck"

Now Coles does the same thing accept it is all online..."life doesn't change that much it gets better"

Townsville now has the opportunity to sell it's online lifestyle. Our Internet is ok, our climate is amazing and we are open to world and we will match any latte lifestyle at a far cheaper price.

But it isn't the governments who can change the direction of Townsville...The people do and now we have an opportunity to open Townsville as Online Lifestyle Business Capital.

Can you imagine how your life would change and how much wealthier our local community will become with new people creating business in the city.

The world lives on smart devices, why not make them work for you...

How great can we make this city again...

Townsville Online Lifestyle Capital Of The World...

Are you ready to try working online...reach out to me today


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