Everything Matters

Everything Matters

I have just come off my morning call Darren Daily and realised that most of the time we take life for granted, we play a small game in some parts of our life and we sometimes require that wake up call to remind us everything matters.

Are You Ready To Create the New Story Of Your life?

We are one walking storyboard.  People buy the story you live, sound, energy and vibration you operate in…

What you wear, drive and talk about and how you look is a storyboard of your life.

Yet we believe we have the right to live our life freely and express the creativity and throw around opinions.  No one is stopping us from doing that and we do it.

No one stops you from wearing my blue shirt two sizes too big  or driving a car with music blaring out of it or being overweight and drinking too much.  We choose it.

What we “ say and appear as each day is what we are receiving...that’s why everything matters.”

If you believe life is hard, untrustworthy and full of scams ...you will find them and source them out and some become a part of that story..

If you believe life is easy, exciting and full of opportunity...you will seek the adventure and opportunity and share that story.

If you are a person who sits in the shadows keeping score and gathering notes ready to attack or defend you will portray that story.

Who you are being matters...It determines what you receive from life.

So what do you want to stop being to change the direction of your life?

  • Less concerned with needing to have the right answers

  • Less concerned with needing to be heard

  • Less concerned with proving my success

  • Less concerned with the past stories of my life

  • Less concerned with the losses and failures of the past.

Everyday is a new day to Live A Life That Matters...That’s why everything Matters…

We only get one chance a life...so make it count today...


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