Abundant Life

Do you want to live an abundant Life?...
I am guessing YES.. But what is Abundance?

The challenge we all face in life is educating ourselves on the rules of abundancy.
Doesn't abundant mean lots of, easy living, taking it easy and having all your money work it's magic and create you a lifestyle of your dreams?  Short answer NO

The dictionary say it is " a very large quantity of something." What is the something?

Abundance starts with your mindset...Kylie explains what she had to change to find her abundant thinking

So as you can see Abundance isn't as well know as you think.  They don't talk about it in schools or in your place of work. 

So have you been let down or a better question maybe do you want a hand up?

G'day I am Pete and this is Trisha...11 years ago I went in search of something...I thought is was meant to be a business and a happier life and stumble over what termed "The Dearest Book in History" ,,
Being a person who never read at all, mathematical thinker, visionary practical person, who only did hands on work, why would I need to learn that stuff. (scary think that was my thinking).

It was that book which changed the direction of my life.  Now I would like to say I took to the new concepts of abundant living easily, what that would be lie.  I had a bunch of thing I need to unlearn. 
I also need to be able to let go of the labels I pinned on everyone and remove the rather big chip I had on my shoulders...

As you can see this Abundant Thinking Stuff is easy but it is amazingly rewarding.  I wake every morning in a state of Gratitude, high energy and excitement...(Gone are the days of Stinkin Thinkin...something the creep in but have the strategies to control them instantly)

What would you pay to have the Answers To Confidence, Happiness And Abundance?

So how much would you pay to change your life and create the happiness you desire?
$500, $1500, $25000 ?  (if you aren't a reader these numbers will freak you out, because 11 years ago I thought they were extreme...so I can understand where you are coming from)

If wasn't until I found Jim Rohn the God Father of Personal Development who quote
"work harder on yourself, then you do you your job"


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