The Formula For Success

There are many very successful people in the world.
Some have written books and explained how you and I can achieve the same.
Some have a podcast to explain how they did it and the do's and don'ts
Some use live video and communicate their messages
Some people don't tell anyone and don't ask permission, they get busy and get the job done

All of them have great information, strategies and proof of how they have achieved.
But all of them had to discover their own Formula For Success.

In their pursuit of creating their successes they have educated themselves on every part and element of their business.
They have paid money to learn how to implement new ideas to create the desired outcome
They in many cases have outsourced sections of their goals because in their pursuit of creating their success, someone else had already created that particular part.

But in every case their are two elements which control the outcomes
  • Planning
  • Action
When we get started we spend more time on planning and educating ourselves on everything part of the business.. Instead of Applying what they have learnt.

We become impatient for the results and desperate to be recognized.  The business we buy into push you to be known and to step into Leadership.  When all that is required is to get results.

After all we all want the life of the wealthy, but very few of us want to do the work required to make it happen.

After 27 years of working for myself and 11 working online these are my lessons.

  Action TRUMPS all knowledge...MINDSET conquers all...

My Lesson 1
You don't need to know everything on day one...but you do need to implement every time you learn it. (You Don't Need To Know How)

My Lesson 2
You won't get it right the first time...the results are in the tweaking, changing and targeting..(Stop Trying To Be Perfect)

My Lesson 3
Fear and Ego will stop you every day...the day it doesn't means you need to up your game (The stories you tell yourself will control your results)

My Lesson 4
Problems and challenges are a part of the package...(so don't create new ones they will happily appear)

My Lesson 5
If you can create 1 result you can create a Million Results...(become curious, daring and unattached to the result)

My Lesson 6
If what you promote or stand behind has change your life, it will change someone else's (back yourself and other will back you)

My Lesson 7
Clear Conscious Mindset are your keys to your salvation ..(what, who and how you feed your mind will determine how you react to everything situation)

Success is made of simple formulas
Everyone can learn them
Everyone can achieve them

But Not Every One Wants to Do Them

The next best question to ask is.."are you prepared to do what it takes"

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