The Phases Of Success

Three Phases Of Success

There are three phases to creating Success….

  1. Collecting Information

  2. Applying Information

  3. Profiting from that information

Most people do collecting reasonably well.  They gather information and learn the theory of success through books, audios, videos and other people's successes.

They become the very interesting person at the party who has  reams of knowledge to entertain anyone he or she speaks too. They sound like they know what they are talking about especially to the untrained.

Unfortunately I became this person for a few too many years and I skipped the second phase of success call application and started into the Profit Phase with meditation, lofty plans and wild exciting dreams.  (which is what many people do)

What is wrong with being a big thinker with a creative mind is that some of us get caught in the profits and thrills of your dreams.  

We speak as if we have or are achieving them yet when you look at the lonely bank balance you realise that the second phase of doing or applying hasn’t been done.

Somewhere in all that learning we skipped the doing the phase and we skip it for a reason...we like the ideas of being successful but don’t like what it takes to make it happen.

I decided to change the word doing into a practicing phase.  Every great athlete spends 90% of their time practicing and fine tuning their crafts.  Everyday they rehearse their skills so mastery becomes a part of their nature.

Creating wealth, prosperity and abundance is a daily practice.  

  • It starts in the mind, filling it full of positive information and ideas..

  • You emotionalise the ideas so your mind starts to propagate the dream…

  • Then you get business practicing your craft and applying what you have learnt to achieve the result you most desire.

Don’t spend the profits in your dreams, spend them experiencing your dreams…

It is ok to dream, but to turn a dream into reality, you need to practice and become a master of your craft.

Ready to master your mind and practice being wealthy...learn more...


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