
Showing posts from July, 2020

Appreciation Is A Skill

Appreciation is a Skill This morning as I woke I lay in bed, running over my morning gratitude thoughts and so glad that I spent most of yesterday resetting my sail. I have been planning the next 10 year Plan during July. Right at the end on my gratitude session “the message of be one with nature entered my head” For a moment I heard nothing of dreams or ideas, the plans had stopped and all I could hear were a noisy happy chirping bunch of birds and the ocean slamming into the beach. A currawong morning chirp echo around the street and the Kookaburra who fly the strand, fidgeting and rustling feathers and the dog next dog lazy morning stretch and shake as it looks for the morning sun.  I was sure there were cars driving to work and people running the strand in their usual abundance, but I didn’t hear them this morning. I lay there with a deep sense of happiness and a smile in my heart.  Then in an instant it was gone. I could hear the cars, horns, the people talking and jogging the nex

The Phases Of Success

Three Phases Of Success There are three phases to creating Success…. Collecting Information Applying Information Profiting from that information Most people do collecting reasonably well.  They gather information and learn the theory of success through books, audios, videos and other people's successes. They become the very interesting person at the party who has  reams of knowledge to entertain anyone he or she speaks too. They sound like they know what they are talking about especially to the untrained. Unfortunately I became this person for a few too many years and I skipped the second phase of success call application and started into the Profit Phase with meditation, lofty plans and wild exciting dreams.  (which is what many people do) What is wrong with being a big thinker with a creative mind is that some of us get caught in the profits and thrills of your dreams.   We speak as if we have or are achieving them yet when you look at the lonely bank balance you realise that the

Everything Matters

Everything Matters I have just come off my morning call Darren Daily and realised that most of the time we take life for granted, we play a small game in some parts of our life and we sometimes require that wake up call to remind us everything matters. We are one walking storyboard.  People buy the story you live, sound, energy and vibration you operate in… What you wear, drive and talk about and how you look is a storyboard of your life. Yet we believe we have the right to live our life freely and express the creativity and throw around opinions.  No one is stopping us from doing that and we do it. No one stops you from wearing my blue shirt two sizes too big  or driving a car with music blaring out of it or being overweight and drinking too much.  We choose it. What we “ say and appear as each day is what we are receiving...that’s why everything matters.” If you believe life is hard, untrustworthy and full of scams will find them and source them out and some become a part of

Have Your Core Values Changed During Covid

Have your core values change during COVID… Jim Rohn is well known for his many famous quotes but the one that rings out to me in this blog is “for things to change you must change” This Covid era we are currently working with, is asking many questions of the past and many questions to the future. If you are a watcher of the news they are selling the drama of COVID 24/7 ...they can’t wait to tell you the headline of how many, who to blame … If you are  business owner who needs to bums or seats, daily traffic to enter you doors...they are being forced to come up with new solutions to a tricky problems... If you are a lending institution you are and we are discovering that you can be creative and flexible in the terms you offer, as the Commonwealth Bank States “We’re all in this together” FIFO people who have been affected by COVID have realised that their family needs them more than they think.  “Money is needed but me being HOME with my boys is needed more at this time..” It got me t

Covid 19 Didn't Affect My Business

If everyone could design a lifestyle what would you design? If everyone could buy a lifestyle where would you buy? If everyone had the same ability to achieve a lifestyle, would you do it? Hi Pete here from Just for a moment I want you to throw away the troubles and challenges in your life and dare to dream a life full of prosperity, time, income and the ability to travel and buy anything. Close your eyes and start putting that vision together. What resorts would you buy?                                                        $  8 Million What Luxury Beach House would you buy?                                   $  6 million What Rural Dream would you like to achieve?                               $35 Million What Private Plane do you want to own?                                       $ 6 Million What cashflow do you want entering your accounts each month? $ 1 Million Now tell yourself you can achieve it?   You would think you are insane… BUT IS IT? Doing what you

Jim Rohn Open My Eyes To My Life

If you a person who has been around Personal Development you will know of Jim Rohn.  The professional with a touch of humor, dry speaking, farmers son who is know around the world as a business coach who turn Personal Development into a Practice and A Way Of Life. He wasn't as flamboyant as Tony Robins or Zig Ziglar or Brian Brown. He didn't jump around and pound up and down the stage when presenting. He had a chalk board and spoke with power and precision. He explained his theories in words and quotes... "Either you run the day, or the day runs you." "Formal education will make a living, self-education will make you a fortune." "Never wish life were easier, wish that you were better" Simple philosophies will powerful values Jim Rohn had a way of explaining life which made it easy to understand.  He uncomplicated a relatively complex theory into a practice and philosophy that was entertaining and educational. For all of us he is available in Books

The Formula For Success

There are many very successful people in the world. Some have written books and explained how you and I can achieve the same. Some have a podcast to explain how they did it and the do's and don'ts Some use live video and communicate their messages Some people don't tell anyone and don't ask permission, they get busy and get the job done All of them have great information, strategies and proof of how they have achieved. But all of them had to discover their own Formula For Success. In their pursuit of creating their successes they have educated themselves on every part and element of their business. They have paid money to learn how to implement new ideas to create the desired outcome They in many cases have outsourced sections of their goals because in their pursuit of creating their success, someone else had already created that particular part. But in every case their are two elements which control the outcomes Planning Action When we get started we spend more time o

Abundant Life

Do you want to live an abundant Life?... I am guessing YES..  But what is Abundance? The challenge we all face in life is educating ourselves on the rules of abundancy. Doesn't abundant mean lots of, easy living, taking it easy and having all your money work it's magic and create you a lifestyle of your dreams?  Short answer NO The dictionary say it is "  a very large quantity of something." What is the something? Abundance starts with your mindset...Kylie explains what she had to change to find her abundant thinking So as you can see Abundance isn't as well know as you think.  They don't talk about it in schools or in your place of work.  So have you been let down or a better question maybe do you want a hand up? G'day I am Pete and this is Trisha...11 years ago I went in search of something...I thought is was meant to be a business and a happier life and stumble over what termed "The Dearest Book in History" ,, Being a person who never read at